design folder

  1. criteria A
  2. criteria B
  3. criteria C
  4. criteria D
  5. criteria E

What is a technology project?

Every technology project will start with a problem. The aim of the project is always to find a solution. You will do a number of things at each stage of the Design Cycle. There will be five parts to the Design Folder (Investigate, Design, Plan, Create and Evaluate).

criteria A

Problem: Briefly explain in your own words what your task is

Our task is to make new html document which will be based on the homework that we made. The 5 homeworks that me made.we will make a website based on CSS and we will make custom design folder.

How is this task relevant to real issues? (Life, society and the environment)

This task will help us to make new and new good internet websites. It will help us to make easier for people to see the design folder and communicate with it without internet.

How is the task related to the Area of Interaction (s)?

Area of Interaction: ATL (approaches to learning) – this task will help us learn. We will learn about how we learn HTML/CSS. These are the questions- How do I learn best? How do I know? How do I communicate my understanding? The html answers all of the questions.

What I need to investigate to complete the task:

Information about HTML! Elements of HTML. HTML and CSS online tutorials and references. How HTML5 documents are produced. Other modern WebPages that use HTML.We need to investigate how to use the CSS and HTML to don’t make ant mistakes and don’t make the reader confused because of our mistakes. We should know the terms, like articles or header or paragraph and div and so on.

Information Collected:

How to do stuff in HTML (HW 1, 2). How to use semantic HTML (HW 3, 4) How other websites use HTML (HW 5) (put in links, screenshots, code excerpts, text, etc. to show the information we have collected). Examples in Each Chapter This CSS tutorial contains hundreds of CSS examples. With our online editor, you can edit the CSS, and click on a button to view the result. CSS Example. CSS Examples Learn from 200 examples! With our editor, you can edit the CSS, and click on a button to view the result. is the best source

Evaluate the sources of information:

i like this source ofinfromation from because there is a lot about different things like how to make css file and how to use different kind of things like div and headder.

Design Brief: Briefly explain how you intend to complete the task.

Make an online design folder that shows our understanding of HTML5 and CSS. Use modern HTML methods including semantic elements to structure our document. Use CSS to make our design folder beautiful. My design will be in different warm colors like red and yellow and some blue. It will be in squares and I will make it as colorful as possible.i will use CSS

List the sources you will use:

homework 2

Design Specification

- written in HTML and CSS - written ourselves, not with an HTML editor or generator - must use HTML5 specification - must contain each element of the design folder - good design – attracts attention – beautiful - readable/informative - usable/easy to use/intuitive - document should work, on a variety of browsers

Design tests to evaluate your product/ solution against the design criteria

- Check to make sure that we are using HTML5 semantic tags properly ( ) - offer evidence of doing our own work: files at various stage of creation, etc. - compare the product to our Word design folder and make sure each element is present - show to others to get their opinion about our design, readability, ease of use - open the product using different browsers: safari, opera, IE, firefox, chrome, mobile devices


criteria B

Explain briefly about the designs you will sketch. Mention your ideas

I will sketch with my imagination and I will try to make it as simple to people to see it as possible. I will use bright coluresfor the design and i will try to use as many knowlidge as i know about HTML

Design 1: with explanations - Compare your design with the design specification

I will make the design called old Rome which is simpler to make than the first one. The design will have no borders and it will be much hard to understand.

Design 2: with explanations - Compare your design with the design specification

I will make colorful design with colorful text and cool design but it will be not easy for me to do that. I will make links to my homework’s and show my work in the design. I will make the boxes and links on them.

Which design will you choose to create and why. List the tools you will use.

I chose design 2 because it is more equal to my knowledge of HTML that the first one. I think it is not better design. I used notepad to write on.

criteria C

Explain in detail the step by step process of using the Resource

I opened the notepad and I started to make the sections of the criteria’s. After I made them I started to make the design of the project. After I started to write about the criteria’s. With this all information than I picked up links and put it in.

steps Time Allocated
Criteria A- working on the idea of the project 1 week
Criteria B- design 1 week
Criteria C- planning 1 week

Evaluate your plan – Go through your plan and explain if you need to make any modifications and why.

I think I needed more time to make my design and more time to complete my criteria’s because working together in html and with design folder I think it is hard needed more time for my design because I can’t work really fast. I made my own template and made myself more confused.

Criteria D

Write the process on how you created your output.

I created output with one website called It helped me a lot. I made design for my project with help of CSS techniques on Unlike others I made my own design and put everything in my own words. I made my output with <p> and <div> and of coerce </p> and </div> I made everything on notepad and type everything. I used a small time for my design like 10 minutes but for filling it 30 minutes.

Did you follow the plan? If not explain any changes you made to your plan.

I did not follow my plan because I had better ideas. I used more time for things that I had to do in 1 week…

Evaluate your design specification. Did you stick with your design specification or did you make any changes? Explain.

I sticker to my plan and I had no changes. I used design one and I followed it. I made links. I used HTML and CSS and I used the knowledge that I made while being on the lessons.

Criterion E

Test your product: Follow your testing method. i.e. Answer any questionnaire, survey that you have mentioned in the investigation

how is design folder connevted with HTML ? - it helps us to communicate our hipotesys and investigate our result and with help of this twl we can write on the design folder our investigations about HTML. or how we can commubivlcate with HTML ? - with HTML the websites are made

Reflect your use of the design cycle. Investigate:  

i investigated what was our task and i tried to find out what was our task. i searched following websites and mad my own design spesification.


in design i tried tofollow my desinspesification. i made 2 possible designs that already existed and chose one of them that i am writting in. i wrote everything according to mo desin folder.


in the plan section i made my plan like in what time i would do what and how much time i would use for something.


i used 10 minutes for my CSS and than i wrote in it all things that i have written in the design folder.i mostly used div,p and section id-s. i created using notepad.


In this stage i made my desisions how i interacted my work to design cycle.i think i did fine not bad not good. i was honest and i said everything truth.

Evaluate the products relevance to real issues. i.e. life, society and or environment

in life we use design folder to invewtigate our work more and to have complete design. in society we use for making new projects. we can have the kind of project that can help society to develop more or to have hew kind kf things lime new toy or new life we ise with this two combined together. to help people and tp uelp ourself too